Virtual Round table: Prevention at the heart of the European health systems


Health First Europe invites all INHWE members to attend the virtual roundtable of the European Parliament's Interest Group on Innovation in Health and Social Care.

The WHO and UNICEF Operational Framework for Primary Health Care has been approved by the World Health Assembly 73.


WHO Member States recommended the adoption of several resolutions in the 73rd World Health Assembly. Committee A, which focuses on programme and budget matters, noted the Operational Framework for Primary Health Care, which aligns with the Declaration of Astana and resolution WHA72.2 (2019).

EHFG 2020: Session recordings


From 30th September to 2nd October 2020 the European Health Forum Gastein took place as a virtual event under the main theme "Dancing with elephants": <the determinants of health and well-being are often driven by the interests of big players, which are not always aligned with public healt

Second Webinar Thematic Network Digital Doc


The Digital Doc' thematic network held their second webinar on the Health Policy Platform on 24 September 2020.

Registration open for #INHWEOnline2021


We are happy to announce that registration for the 3rd European Conference of Health Workforce Education & Research opened last week.

WHO-ASPHER Competency Framework for the Public Health Workforce in the WHO European Region


This novel competencies framework is a very important achievement and a milestone towards strengthening the professionalisation of the public health workforce.

Implementation of Digital Skills for future-proof Doctors


The second meeting of the EU Health Policy Platform Thematic Network Digital Doc on "Digital skills for future proof doctors" took place on Thursday September 24th via a webinar focused on Experiences, best practices, and future scope'.

Vacancies at the new WONCA world Secretariat in Brussels, Belgium


The World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) is a global not-for-profit professional organisation representing family doctors from all regions of the world (www.wonc

International Forum On Women’s Brain And Mental Health


A Technology And Patient-Centric Approach To Transform Precision Medicine As A Stepping Stone To An Institute Of Sex And Gender Precision Medicine In Switzerland

Conference Announcement: #INHWEOnline2021


We would like to inform all INHWE members and friends that - after careful thought with our host the RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery - we have decided to move our 3rd European Conference of Health Workforce Education & Research to a fully Online, Virtual Conference to be held on

StoryAidEU Project: First Results


In 2019 INHWE has started a new project for which we are the lead partner along with 6 other members of our Network.