The Physician and Professionalism Today: Challenges to and strategies for ethical professional medical practice


BMC Health Services Research, Volume 20, Supplement 2 "The Physician and Professionalism Today: Challenges to and strategies for ethical professional medical practice"

Digital Health Europe (DHE) Empowerment Roadmap


Digital Health Europe (DHE) has released an empowerment roadmap outlining the elements (in particular at organisational level) to improve patient empowerment and therefore better collaboration with healthcare providers and health systems, while increasing their trust in digital health.

Second Webinar "Towards a European Health Union"


Join us on Thursday 11th March 2021 to discuss how a European Health Union can protect people, save lives, and change our current course for the better.

Free Webinar on 'How to Ensure Durable Learning in Medical Education'


A free webinar, hosted by Lecurio, on 'How to Ensure Durable Learning in Medical Education' will take place on March 9th, 9:00 PST (12:00 EST and 18:00 CET). The webinar is hosted by Dr.

New Project: DIGI4ME


DIGI4ME (Health sector skill alliance for creating innovative and efficient VET programmes and improving the digital Skills of medical physics and health professionals)

Summary video: Doctors going digital: How to future-proof skills


Joint conference of the Standing Committee of European Doctors and the German Medical Association

Introducing the "DigitalHealthEurope" Twinnings


DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) is an initiative funded by the European Commission to facilitate the advancement of health stakeholders in the policy priorities of the European Digital Single Market.

ENhANCE Project: Survey targeting stakeholders in family and community care


The main scope of ENhANCE Project (European Curriculum for Family and Community Nurses) is to target a specific existing mismatch between the skills currently offered by nurses working in Primary Health Care (PHC) and those actually demanded by both public health care institutions and private ser

Endorse the Joint Statement of the EUHPP Thematic Network


The EU Health Policy Platform (EUHPP) Thematic Network on the workforce of the future led by the European Health Management Association (EHMA) and Health First Europe (HFE) have produced a Joint Statement on "Profiling and training the health care workers of the future" which is

TBLC Members to Give Plenary Address at #INHWEOnline2021


ETBLC members Jonny Branney and Danny McLaughlin will be collaborating to present a keynote session to discuss how the method of team-based learning delivers top results in their classrooms.

Plenary Session: The European Team-Based Learning Community

Provisional Conference Programme: INHWE Online 2021


The International Network for Health Workforce Education is very pleased to announce that the Provisional Programme for the upcoming 3rd European Conference of Health Workforce Education & Research is now available online.