Sofia 2018 – Postponed 


It is with great regret that due to circumstances beyond the control of both INHWE and our host organisation, the Medical University of Sofia, we have to announce the postponement of our Sofia 2018 event.

Brexit and the Health Workforce - MEPs Hear European Doctors' Concerns


On 23 May 2018, the British Medical Association, the European Junior Doctors Association (EJD), the European Medical Students' Association (EMSA), the European Union of General Practitioners/ Family Physicians (UEMO), and the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) co-presented a discussion

Gender Equity Hub - Call for Feedback on Draft Report


The Gender Equity Hub, a Thematic Hub within the Global Health Workforce Network, co-chaired by Women in Global Health and the World Health Organization, launched a consultative draft of their first report during the World Health Assembly.

European Health Parliament 2018 Update


The European Health Parliament (EHP) is a platform of 55 young professionals/students from across Europe with a mix of diverse backgrounds (political studies, biomedical science, pharmacy, medicine, economics, international relations and others) and jobs (healthcare industry, stu

Invitation to join the Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting Expert Network


The Joint Tender “Support for the health workforce planning and forecasting expert network” aims to implement and activate a health workforce planning and forecasting expert network.

Health Technologies: Policy and Practice


The International Network for Health Workforce Education has been invited to the confernece: "From health policy to practice - Medical imaging as an example for improving patient outcomes through technology adoption".

Communication on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market


The Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market; empowering citi

Sofia 2018: Call for Abstracts Now Open


We are very pleased to announce that the 2nd edition of the International Congress of Health Workforce Education & Research will take place at the Medical University in Sofia, Bulgaria on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th November 2018.

Digital Assembly 2018


The International Network for Health Workforce Education has been invited to the Digital Assembly 2018. The event will take place on 25 and 26 June in Sofia, Bulgaria.

H-Com EU Info Day


The H-Com Project (Health Communication Training for Health Professionals) Is running an EU Info Day in Athens on the 14th of June 2018.

INHWE to Deliver EFPC Webinar


David Smith, Director at the International Network of Health Workforce Education, will present a free Webinar on "Communication & Intercultural Issues: Resea

INHWE invited to present at “Workforce innovations for better performing health systems in Europe” Conference


The International Network for Health Workforce Education (INHWE) has been invited to present at the “Workforce innovations for better performing health systems in Europe” Conference. The Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with the su

Why Europe Needs Stronger Health Workforce Research


The EUPHA Health Workforce Research (HWR) section has produced an advocacy statement on Why Europe needs stronger health workforce research has been prepa

Safemedic: Questionnaire


The International Network for Health Workforce Education, along with a number of fellow members, is working on a transnational project to support health care professionals deal with aggressive patients.

Provisional Conference Programme: Athens 2018


The International Network for Health Workforce Education is very pleased to announce that the Provisional Programme for the upcoming European Conference of Health Workforce Education and Research is now available online.